
The Child Safeguarding Statement is available to parents on request.

Parents are encouraged to read the following school documents.

Click on the name of each document to open it .

1.  Anti Bullying Policy

2.  School Improvement Plan- Literacy

3.  School Self Evaluation- Literacy

The following links will bring you to our school AUP (the Acceptable Use Policy) which outlines our school rules regarding the use of the Internet in school.

You will also be able to access the Permission Form required by the school to allow photographs of your child and her work to be shown on the school website.

5.  AUP – Revised for 2022/23

6.  AUP- Permission letter-2022/23

7.  Code of Behaviour

8.  Healthy Eating Policy

9.  Policy on Parents Communicating with pupils

10. Staff appointments policy

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